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How to Build a Website to Support your IRC Game

Name Description Rating
Arachnophilia Site The Arachnophilia website editor is simply the best, as far as size, functinality, and ease of learning for a beginner. It is still powerful enough to grow as your skill does, especially if you investigate the macro parts. Not trivially, it is also careware, which means you can use it without shelling out any money. Read about it and download the proper version from this, the writer's site. Tool
Great Editor
Basics of HTML Beginners, this is the manual for learning how to make your commands in HTML look just how you want them to look. Manual
Table Tutor Tables are important enough to deserve a special tutorial just on how to use the command. Here it is, and nicely written, too. Short
MediaBuilder Some graphics are available here, alone with some basic FAQs on how to use the images. Graphics
Links Table A whole set of links to get you to the particular sort of graphic you're needing. Graphics
Graphics WebRing Sites List Professional graphics - do NOT steal, many are available for personal and/or limited use - so it's very stupid to just steal them. Use those the artist gives you permission to use. If you're nice, give them the links they're likely asking for, like the author is doing here, as well. Graphics
Starship Gallery A Geocities neighbor, with some stunning ray-traced graphics you're allowed to use, as long as you follow the conditions. A wonderful site for an SF website resource. Graphics
Web Site Garage Now that you're 'done'... you're really not yet. Test and fix problems using this site. The fancier stuff they want to get paid for, but basic META-tag testing, generation, checking your spelling, your site's compatibility with several browsers, and loading speed don't cost anything. This makes your page VASTLY more pleasing, professional, and USABLE. Must-Use
Virtual Quincy - HTML A more advanced HTML guide. HTML
Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi HTML by Example. HTML
DHTML Dynamic HTML, in Netscape only, this is the main Index page. This author hasn't gotten this far yet, so no good review is available from here. DHTML
Netscape Open Studio This looks like a real helpful tool. This author has been too busy generating content to get fancy, but in the first quarter of '99 there should be some time. Design
Cascading Style Sheets The easier way to web your information. Most interesting. CSS Formating
virtual_max's Personal Forum Help for Java specialized for Geocities members - has a bulletin board that so far this author has solved every problem from. Questions may be asked of max, but this author hasn't even had to do that to get the applets working so far! NICE site. I like, I like and recommend it. JAVA HELP
JavaScript Reference Just learning this. Javascript
JavaScript Guide Another manual, which is still unknown as to quality. JavaScript

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