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Various Cultural Links

Name Description Rating
Lothlorien Amateur fantasy art gallery. Art
Alfons Mucha He did some very beautiful pieces in the art noveau style. Art
Esoteric / Pagan Gallery Somewhat more fantasy based than most art. Art
Earl's Fractal Art Gallery He actually does this as art. The best fractal artist on the Internet, in this author's opinion. You knew it'd be here - after all the author describe herself as a mathemagician. Art
Jason Passons' Space Art Gallery Self-explanatory. These images are created by ray-tracing, which gives them that sharp-edged near reality look. Art
Navillus Art Gallery Fantastical, a bit, in style. Art
NONAGS Freeware Shareware World Center Hate crippled software? Or nag screens? Try these out; you can actually REALLY preview the software. Geek
Free Site Or just forget the shareware, and go to a freeware ONLY site. Geek
Completely Free Software Software on the 'Net as it SHOULD be done. Geek
Benchin' Software Review If you need software for a specific task, but have no idea WHICH package is the best for what you want, check THIS site out. VERY good reviews, extremely comprehensive, fast, and even FUN to work with. Geek
FileFarm Big huge software collection - something for everyone. Shareware, demo and free stuff. Geek
The Software Directory Directory at Nerd's Heaven Of COURSE it's run by someone at M.I.T. A directory of what directory you should look for to find your particular wanted software. Nerd's Heaven, indeed! Geek
HENSA Software Archive, Academia UK Enter the halls of academia. Lots of mathematics-specialized and other subjects also (grin), add-ons for special use programs, educational aids, etc. Geek
Poetics by Aristotle -
Internet Classics Archive
If you haven't found the Internet Classics Archive by now, you're in for a REAL treat. All those books that were 'too hard to be taught' are here for your thirst for knowledge. Poetics is just one of your author's personal favorites of the big listing they have. ALL these are complete text online and downloadable. Literature
Great Books Index Can't decide what to read next? Here are some GREAT choices. Alexander Dumas' OTHER Musketeer books, etc. Literature
Statesman by Plato Too bad this isn't required reading for the scoundrels in D.C. right now. Literature
On-Line Books Index Like books? No. I LOVE books. All sorts. Also you can search for Project Guttenburg, but everyone knows that one. This author is trying to find the more esoteric sites. Literature
MP3 Legal Site MP3 is great, but ripping off the artist who does the lovely music is not. Here is how to avoid same. Music
Chado, the Way of Tea Ever wonder just what a tea ceremony can be? Oriental
I Ching Is it religion? Is it fortune telling? An amusing site, whatever it might really be. Oriental
Haiku for People Haiku translated doesn't have the same flow, because of the differences in syllabization and tonal stress between Nihongo and English. But this site features attempts at English haiku that are adapted to suit English, some of which do have a likenes in stark beauty to the originals from the orient. Oriental
Katana Anatomy A detailed and expert treatise of the blade and it's structure. Most informative. Oriental
Katana - Heart, Faith & Steel The fighting stances, the techniques of using one. Find out why Highlander is SOOO funny. :) Oriental
Katana - Steel-Making (Tatara) Actually, your author is a chemical engineer, not a metallurgist, but forging steel is a fascinating chemical process, as well. Oriental
Katana - Training (Eishin-Ryu Iaido) Another even MORE detailed site on what the training to use one of these weapons is like. Oriental