
        Foreword by the Author
        Symbols, A Summary
        Interactions Between Radiances
        The "Un" Pattern


        I have endeavored to say what may safely be said of these powerful influences upon our lives. Of course, the reader with wisdom shall know beforehand that all may not be entrusted to the written word. Also, there is much that I do not understand, cannot reveal, and simply do not know concerning this subject. There may easily be Symbols the existence of which I do not have the slightest reckoning of; in fact, I think that to be more likely than not. However, in my experience these are the true icons that define what 'is' against the general 'not-being' that compromises the Abyss, or the Void. For more on this defining, see the my article "Cosmology of the Greatest Circle".
        For more information on the Great Beasts listed herein with the Symbol they are most often observed in association with, see my latter article, "Greater Beasts, What's so Great, Anyway?" Concerning Principal Manifestation powers and abilties, take it up with the respective Symbol; this author makes no guarantees, however. For additional knowledge of the associated Masters, take it up with them.

Just don't tell them I sent you,
Dame Ziactrice Keenan

The Symbols

(appearing in chronological order, insofar as this author has knowledge)

Symbol Locale Great Beast Manifests Associated Master
1. "Pyre"
    (true name unknown)
Abyss Pheonix Mind-erase Spark Brand
2. Logrus Approx. Courts Serpent Tendrils of Unlimited Reach Suhuy
3. Pattern Dexter
          Right-handed Order
          Earth Elemental
Amber Unicorn Seeking Sense Random
4. Pattern Sinister
          Left-handed Order
          Water Elemental
            the "Mirror"
Rebma Hydra Unknown Moire
5. Pattern Fractal
          Chronal Order
          Air Elemental
          the "Time" Pattern
Tir' na Ogh Unknown Dreams of Possibility Not known
6. Pattern Kinetic
          Energy Order
          Fire Elemental
          the "Unfixed" Pattern
Varies Unknown Entropy Variances Sand
7. Pattern Conjurical
          Life Order
          Spirit Elemental
          the "Matrix"
Unknown Unknown Conjurical Enablement Aurora
8. Yggsdrasil
          the World Tree
Shadow's Center Dryad Balance Sense Weylin
9. Welling Pool
          the Euclidean Spring
          the Well of Worlds
The roots of Ygg to the Abyss Unknown Grokking
(unlimited anything understanding)
10. Glimmering Circle
          Sorcerous Encompassment
          the Faerie Circle
Faerie Satyr Sorcerous Glamourie Not known
11. Font of Power Keep of Four Worlds,
near the Black Circle
Unknown Shadow Weaving None
12. Ghostwheel Wherever he is. Not sure one exists. Annoying questions.
No, I am kidding.
13. The "Un"Pattern Camber and Ran's mind. Undetermined Self-destruction? Randolph
(not liking it)

Interferances Between Radiances

        Returning once again to my prevalent analogy of the Symbols as sources of rays of light of different spectral hues, interferance can therefore be assumed to mean both weakening and strengthening of an individual 'dot' of color. In light, this depends on the particular amplitude of the photon traveling as they interfere with another of their like kind, but differing in height in the motion of the wave. Either the amplitudes may add, or one may cancel some of the higher one's wave, etc.
        Likewise it seems with the Symbols, most plainly between the Symbols consistent with the consveration of energy (i.e. Ordered, or Patterned) and those which are definitely not of that sort, (i.e. the Logrus, the Font, the Circle). This brings into our realm of awareness a "struggle" between the Pattern and the Logrus, Order and Chaos. Actually, this is not so much a struggle as a basic and diametrical opposition by their most basic natural composition, in my opinion.
        Assuredly, the line demarking where these two forces 'interfere' upon one another throughout Shadow is clear, and contested hotly. Both between the kingdoms of Amber and the Courts of Chaos, but also between the Horns of the Unicorn and the Serpent. This line is not easily moved, however, and despite the ferocity of this contestation, remained fairly stable even during the damage and resultant Patternfall War. Only a single path, the Black Road, was streaked into the center of Amber. This was quickly balanced by the Amberites taking refuge within the Courts as the wave of storm swept from Amber's Pattern upon it's repair by Oberon.
        Indeed, this repair caused more of a fuss than the damage had, in most cases. Certainly the resulting formation of the Camberian Pattern is. Some interferance happen in places, and in types, that we have little to no perception of. For instance, time and dreams we have some ability to witness, but the full scope is lost to many perceivers.
        The fundamental nature of Trumps, and how the Ghostwheel manipulates or uses this, is understood largely only by the Elder Amberites and Merlin himself. Perhaps Ghostwheel as well, but getting the Symbol to explain itself is a chancy gambit at the very best.


        The UnPattern appears on first comprehension to be the least secure Symbol, until one realizes that for interference, it has only it's own opposition to balance it. Additionally, somehow this icon has held the Old Ones from Shadow within Undershadow since it's devisement and emplacement. For all it's reportedly self-destructive tendency, it has also shown startingly resistance to being 'rubbed out' (excuse me, I simply could not resist the pun). When buried deep within Randolph's mind, beyond his own perception, it merely reincorporated itself through alliance, whether deliberate or no, with an Abyssal Demon Lord.
        The Demon, if Demon it was in truth, possessed Randolph, and was reported to have been driven forth because of the presence of the seven Holy Spirits incorporated in the basic construction of Randolph's fundamental mind. Despite this seeming 'inability to cope' with these Spirits, however, it immediately recompiled itself into eight entities, duplicating Randolph himself and the seven Spirits as he perceives them. These entities then stormed Camber, and walked the Pattern with Camberlot's gardens.
        Why would these Abyssal creatures (if they were) want to become Patterned? What does Camber's Pattern have to do with the UnPattern?
        In my imaginings, I am beginning to suspect that Randolph's creation of the UnPattern within his mind merely overlaid (or underlaid, perhaps) what principles of the Logrus he'd engendered within himself by transversing the Fixed Logrus onto Camber's own Pattern. I do not see how he could have created a completely new Symbol purely in the realm of mind; all the Symbols I have known of have a component of …. Well, for lack of a better word, "realness" in that these geometries cannot be framed by a single mind. Even the Serpent and the Logrus aren't like that.
        Randolph does not yet realize what has happened, I believe. Hopefully, we can help him return things to a better state without his full knowledge of the circumstances. Although, to tell the truth, at the moment, I cannot see a way to prevent his suspicion and eventual realization. Hopefully I can find a way; even at my darkest hour of dealing with my eldest son, I would not have wanted this fate for him.
        If not for the sake of the other children, I fear this circumstance would fully justify the eighth great time loop in our lives.