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Interactive Role-playing Links

Name Description Rating
Something very similar to what we do in Camber, just a bit slower in a mail environment. Gave me some great ideas on plot structuring for such a wild way of gaming. Interesting
Army of Light
A "Four-Color" (Gold Age Hero Genre) roughly, role-playing group extremely story-telling oriented, with very little to no mechistic rule-system application. A "just have fun" sort of environment. You can even read the description of "Dame Ziactrice Keenan" written by her eldest son at this site, as your author has her 'usual' character involved. Campaign
Shakespeare Eclectic Science Fiction Interactive Theatre Free-form live play and educational gaming resources. Directory
RPG Net's Columns for Ideas Various takes and suggestions for 'slant' on playing LARP or online diceless. Check out the archives, too. Newsletter

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